The Ruqyah Place of Business application contains Ruqyah Place of BusinessRuqyah of business premises is done if you want your business premises to sell well, because there may be supernatural disturbances that you are not aware of.But first, is this method considered idolatrous or is it permitted in religion? In religion, we are taught to believe in the supernatural. Including the events that Rasullullah SAW went through when experiencing the Isra Miraj, including the supernatural.Likewise, it seems that supernatural things exist in society. Even though in reality, we cannot see it directly, up to now in several places people still practice witchcraft and shamanism, one of the aims of which is to make other peoples businesses quiet or bankrupt.This is for personal gain without looking at the rules and sins according to the religion he adheres to.Ruqyah for business places to sell well, especially for those of you who are tired of business places always being empty of visitors.So the goal is clear, for the business to sell better with more visitors buying and the business can make a profit.The Ruqyah itself is carried out using verses from the Koran as a bulwark against various kinds of disturbances.So this is a Halal way. Not in a weird way like most people do. Actually Ruqyah is a common and recommended method.Features of the applicationPowerful Rukyah Verse for Business Places:- Simple and easy to use application- The song doesnt turn off even if you open another application- Doesnt use up internet quota- Does not burden RAM and storage- Background playing and Features- Can be used as ringtones, alarms, notifications etc- Can be shared via social media- there are shuffle and repeat buttons- Next automaticallyPlease download the application to see the latest updated collection later.If you have this application, leave a good comment and our ***** rating,Thank You.DESCLAIMER:All the contents of the sholawat (mp3) presented are all sourced from the internet. The copyright of all content in this application isfully belongs to the rights of the creator, musician, label concerned. If there is a violation that you dont want to displayin this application, please contact our developer